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How to Cure Incontinence

How to Cure Incontinence

Incontinence is a serious issue that affects 1 in 3 women. Treatment for urinary incontinence depends on the type of incontinence you have, its severity and the underlying cause. In this guide, we will be looking at what incontinence is, what causes it and the different treatment options available.

What is Incontinence

In a nutshell, urinary incontinence is the loss of bladder control. It’s a common and often embarrassing problem. The severity of incontinence ranges from occasionally leaking urine when you cough or sneeze to having to go so suddenly that you don't get to a toilet in time.

There are various types of incontinence, such as stress urinary incontinence, urge incontinence, overflow incontinence, functional incontinence and mixed incontinence. Today we’ll be discussing urinary incontinence.

When someone experiences incontinence, it can create a sense of shame, stigma and feelings of depression. Incontinence can pose a burden to someone’s lifestyle and impact their quality of life as well. No longer can they go out spontaneously, but instead they’re planning their days around making it to the bathroom and are forced to bring pads and liners everywhere they go. They may no longer want to go out and socialize with friends or even spend time with their children or grandchildren.

Why do Some People Experience Urinary Incontinence?

There are a number of reasons why over 15 million of all adult women in the US experience urinary incontinence - some of these are:

After Childbirth

After childbirth, many women may begin to experience incontinence because their pelvic floor muscles, bladder nerves and supportive tissue may have weakened during labor. This is one of the most common reasons that women experience a loss of bladder control.

During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, your hormones undergo a series of changes, plus the increased weight of the fetus creates pressure on the bladder, which can lead to stress urinary incontinence (SUI).

General Aging

As you age, so do your bladder muscles, which can lead to a decrease in your body’s ability to store urine or react to stop the flow of urine.


Women produce less estrogen during and after menopause, which is the hormone responsible for bladder and urethra health. These changes can lead to incontinence.

Neurological Disorders

Neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, stroke and spinal injuries can cause incontinence as they interfere with your nerve signals that tell your brain when it’s time to urinate.

Treatment for Urinary Incontinence Symptoms

If you think you’re experiencing urinary incontinence because you leak when you cough, sneeze, laugh or exercise - there are a number of ways to help treat the symptoms of urinary incontinence from using devices, performing exercises or even surgery.

Manual Kegel exercises

This involves doing a series of exercises designed to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, which are responsible for the start and stop of urine flow. To do a Kegel, you’ll want to activate those muscles by clinching them together and upwards, holding for 10 seconds and slowly releasing. Repeat up to 10 more times, twice per day. However nearly 50% of women are unable to do a Kegel properly on their own. The pelvic floor muscles are very difficult to isolate, as we cannot see them.

Invasive Options

There are invasive options such as Kegel balls and vaginal probes that can help alleviate the symptoms of urinary incontinence, however some women find these devices uncomfortable.

Kegel balls are small, weighted balls that a person can insert into their vagina. Some believe that these balls can help a person perform pelvic floor or vagina strengthening exercises, but the research to support these claims is limited.

Vaginal probes tend to use electrical stimulation to treat urinary incontinence by inserting a probe that sends a mild electric current to nerves in the lower back or the pelvic muscles that are involved in urination. With any device that is inserted, there is always a risk for infection.


Most surgical procedures to treat incontinence involve either sling procedures or bladder neck suspension procedures. In a sling procedure, your surgeon uses strips of synthetic mesh, your own tissue, to create a sling under the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the urethra bladder neck.

The sling supports the urethra and helps keep it closed. A bladder neck suspension reinforces the urethra and bladder neck so that they won't sag and provides compression to prevent leakage. Neither surgery is without risk and the outcome is not 100% guaranteed. And there may be downtime post procedure.

How to Eliminate Incontinence Naturally, From Home


INNOVO is a non-invasive solution that works by safely using electrical stimulation to deliver 180 perfect Kegel exercises per session. It’s a pair of shorts that you slip on and wear for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week and is clinically proven to eliminate bladder leakage in just 12 weeks. There are no probes to insert, no doctor visits required. INNOVO takes the guesswork out of doing all of those pelvic floor strengthening exercises while you sit back and relax for just 30 minutes.

INNOVO is FDA-cleared to treat Stress Incontinence in women of all ages, and is the only non-invasive pelvic floor exerciser that targets the root cause of the problem. Best of all, INNOVO actually works. It’s the safest, most convenient way to do pelvic floor exercises correctly and efficiently, so that you can enjoy truly amazing results.

Our Clinical Studies show:

  • 80% of women see a significant reduction in leaks after just 4 weeks
  • 87% of women are defined as either dry or almost dry after 12 weeks
  • 90% of women would recommend the therapy to others

Find out how INNOVO works here.